Climbing Roses
Climbing roses are a traditional flower that may offer seclusion to your yard. Blaze Improved Climbing Roses grow 15 feet tall and 8 feet wide with strong red double blooms.
Summer Cascade is an easy-to-grow purple flowering vine with early-season beauty, lush summer foliage, beautiful seedpods, and magnificent autumn color.
Plant this spring flower on a trellis, railing, or other structure and enjoy its display without trimming. The vine comes in Sparky Pink, Purple, and Blue.
Black-Eyed Susan
Lemon A-Peel Black-Eyed Susan Vine is a fast-growing annual vine that provides summer color. This strong plant will climb any support and bloom brilliant yellow till frost.
The orange berries of this blooming vine are the main attraction in autumn and winter, despite its lovely blossoms. The autumn color and disease-resistant leaves are beautiful.
Full light is excellent for the light Parasol Apricot Mandevilla, a tropical vine that blooms consistently. This plant may overwinter indoors in milder areas.
Holboellia Vine
Holboellia has glossy leaves and huge, white, fragrant blooms. It is a great evergreen vine for backyard seclusion, beauty, and aroma. It can reach 20 feet with assistance.