7 Books to Help You Make Peace with Your Mind

Lauren Martin explores overcoming negative emotions and managing them effectively in her personal journey.

The Book of Moods:

Social psychologist Devon Price challenges the concept of laziness and advocates for a healthier relationship with productivity.

Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price:

Neuropsychiatrist Dilip Jeste shares insights from his research on wisdom, revealing its scientific basis and how it can be cultivated.

Wiser The Scientific Roots of Wisdom, Compassion:

Anthropologist Roy Richard Grinker examines the societal stigma surrounding mental illness and advocates for ending its discrimination.

Nobody's Normal How Culture Created the Stigma of Mental:

Cultural critic Andrew Reiner critiques traditional masculinity norms and proposes a healthier approach to manhood.

Better Boys, Better Men:

Holley Gerth celebrates introverted traits, highlighting their strengths and advocating for understanding introverts' needs.

The Powerful Purpose of Introverts:

Clinical psychologist Stefanie Stahl offers a method to uncover one’s authentic self by addressing past traumas and societal pressures.

The Child in You: