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Palm Tree

7 Most Common Types of Daisies and How to Know Which Ones Are Best for Your Garden

Green Leaf

Shasta Daisy

Most gardeners know Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum). "They have those typical pure white petals with bright yellow centers

Green Leaf

Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera daisies (Gerbera jamesonii) produce enormous, crinkly leaves and bright red, white, orange, pink, and yellow blooms. In most climes, this daisy blooms spring

Green Leaf

Dahlberg Daisy

The low-growing ground cover Dalberg daisy (Thymophylla tenuiloba) has lacy green leaves and vivid yellow blossoms. "This type of daisy is native to hot and arid regions

Green Leaf

Gloriosa Daisy

Black-eyed Susans, or gloriosa daisies (Rudbeckia hirta), feature golden yellow petals with dark brown centers. "Black-eyed Susans are well-known for their drought tolerance

Green Leaf

English Daisy

Ideal in smaller gardens, English daisy (Bellis perennis) has a rosette of leaves that emerge in spring and produce pink or white flowers. "These little flowers make a big impact, the petals are really narrow

Green Leaf

Painted Daisy

This bloom draws pollinators for weeks, therefore Roethling recommends cutting it down after flowering to encourage vitality.

Green Leaf

Michaelmas Daisy

Commonly known as aster, Michaelmas daisy (Symphyotrichum spp.) is native throughout North America, meaning it's tolerant of very dry and sunny conditions.