The resilient Kalanchoe has weeks-long red, pink, orange, yellow, or white flowers. It needs bright light and should be watered when the soil is mostly dry, however it may not bloom again.
Delosperma, often known as ice plant, is a perennial groundcover that can tolerate heat and drought. It spreads quickly and enjoys full light, making it good erosion control.
Sedum, available in upright and low-growing forms, has attractive pink flowers and needs little maintenance save for division when it outgrows its space. It thrives in full sun.
Portulaca, also known as moss rose, is a low-growing annual celebrated for its profusion of blooms in vibrant hues, making it an eye-catching addition to any garden.
This alpine wildflower from western North America has beautiful apricot, pink, or white flowers on long stalks in spring and summer, bringing elegance to gardens. Lewisia likes full sun.
Echeveria flowers bell-shaped on tall stalks with rosette-shaped foliage in teal, dove grey, green, or pink. It requires full light indoors or outdoors in frost-free zones but benefits from afternoon shade in warmer climates.
In warm climates, aloe vera, a common houseplant, can grow up to 3 feet tall and produce yellow flower spikes. This sun-loving plant cannot tolerate chilly temperatures.
Aloe Vera
Crown of Thorns is known for its practically continual indoor flowering and big, spiky leaves that are dangerous for youngsters and dogs. It blooms best in strong light.
Crown of Thorns