8 Common Diseases in Cats That Every Cat Owner Must Know

Flea Allergic Dermatitis

If you're a proud cat owner, you probably treat them for fleas. Cats, dogs, and humans get itchy flea bites.

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Middle-aged cats get hyperthyroidism. Thyroid hormone overproduction is frequently caused by a goiter. 

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Kidney Disease

As your cat ages, so will their physique. Their fur may change color, they may lose muscle, or their face shape may vary as they age. 

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Cat Flu

The viruses and bacteria Herpesvirus, Calicivirus, and Bordetella bronchiseptica cause cat flu. 

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Your cat can get tapeworms and roundworms. The intestinal worms in your cat can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. 

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Just like humans, cats get cancer. Uncontrolled cell replication causes cancer and tumors. Different tumors affect different bodily parts.

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Diabetes affects cats and dogs too! If your cat develops diabetes, its pancreas won't generate enough insulin to reduce blood sugar.

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Cat obesity is a frequent illness you may not know about. If your pet is overweight, it might strain their heart, joints, and breathing. 

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