Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)
Beautifully colored bird of paradise flowers are also unusual in form. The plant is named by its bloom, which resembles the bird. This tropical South African plant grows in hot, humid jungles.
Middlemist s Red (Camellia spp.)
Middlemist's Red is a unique Camellia with beautiful red-pink rose-like flowers and deep green foliage. John Middlemist imported it from China to Chiswick, West London.
Corpse Flower (Titan arum)
One of the stinkiest plants on Earth, corpse flower smells like decaying flesh. It needs this foul smell to attract pollinators. The pod expands for a month before blossoming, weighing up to 50 pounds.
Blue Poppy (Meconopsis betonicifolia)
The blue poppy has umbrella-shaped blooms with a fuzzy yellow core. Summer brings these 4 5-inch flowers. Growth is temperamental for this plant. Give blue poppies enough water without damp soil.
Ghost Orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii)
Ghost orchids have stunning white flowers with a mild, apple-like aroma. This endangered flower is from Florida, the Bahamas, and Cuba. Its naked roots sprout on tree branches and trunks.
Crown Imperial (Fritillaria imperialis)
Crown imperial spring bulbs grow tall. Although the flowers stink, their bell-shaped clusters that create a "crown" on the shrub are lovely.
Secret Lust Coneflower (Echinacea 'Secret Lust')
The fragrant, bright blossoms are 1 3 inches across. They also attract birds after seeding. This plant can handle most circumstances except damp soil, so choose a site with adequate drainage.
Purple Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea)
Purple pitcher plants are distinctive and thrive near ponds. It's a carnivorous plant with pitcher-shaped leaves that catch insects, like the Venus fly trap. Its flowers expand from a tight ball into an intriguing form.