9 Types of Hairless Cats and How to Care For Them


The Sphynx is the original and most popular hairless cat breed, characterized by its sleek, elegant body and lack of fur due to a naturally occurring recessive genetic mutation. 


Next is the Donskoy, also known as the Don Sphynx or Russian hairless. Unlike the Sphynx, a dominant gene causes the Donskoy's hairless look. 


The Bambino is an adorable mix between a Sphynx and a Munchkin, resulting in a tiny, kitten-like cat. Some Bambinos are completely hairless, while others have a bit of fuzz. 

Ukrainian Levkoy 

The Ukrainian Levkoy, a cross between a Donskoy and a Scottish Fold, is distinguished by its folded ears and ranges from completely hairless to having a thin layer of velvety fuzz.


The Elf cat, developed by crossing a Sphynx with an American Curl, looks like Dobby from Harry Potter. Despite their rare, nude appearance, Elves are sociable, friendly, and affectionate.


The Dwelf is a smaller version of the Elf cat, inheriting traits from the American Curl, the Sphynx, and the Munchkin. While prone to health and skeletal issues, Dwelfs love playtime and cuddles with their favorite people.


The Minskin is a miniature hairless breed resulting from crossing a Munchkin with a Sphynx. These cats typically have a layer of fuzz on their points but are hairless on their tummies, making them unique little-legged companions.


The Peterbald, a cross between a Donskoy and an Oriental Shorthair, is often born with fuzz or even a full coat, but may lose this fur over time. 


The Lykoi, nicknamed the "werewolf cat," has a striking look with golden eyes and a black-gray coat that is often bald in patches. Active and talkative, they enjoy a snuggle on the sofa after a long day of activity.