How to Attract Bluebirds to Your Yard: 9 Methods

Set up a bluebird nest box.

Instead of a regular birdhouse, a nest box made just for bluebirds will work better. Most bluebird houses have four walls, a roof that slopes, and a hole about 1.5 inches wide near the top.

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Buy bluebird-specific feeders

If you know how to get bluebirds to come to a feeder, your garden will become a popular place to hang out. Keep in mind that bluebirds like ground and platform feeders if you're still not sure what to do.

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Serve up mealworms

Want an easy way to get bluebirds to come to your yard? As was already said, mealworms are a favorite food of bluebirds. Live mealworms are better for them because they are still alive.

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Plant native berry bushes and trees

Bluebirds like to eat a lot of food in the fall and winter, so putting native plants and trees with berries is a great way to get them to come to your yard.

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Add a hunting perch

Bluebirds eat both plants and animals, and they often sit on wires and fence posts that look out over open fields to look for bugs to eat. If you want to draw bluebirds, one important thing you can do is give them places to rest.

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Get a bird bath

Bluebirds may come to your garden if there is water there. Bluebirds need clean, fresh water to drink and bathe in, and a bird bath gives them both. They also like the sound of water moving and crashing.

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Protect them from cats

How many sparrows do you know are killed by cats every year? That's right, even your cute cat has a natural urge to hunt birds. These strikes are most likely to hurt nestlings.

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Keep dead trees and branches

Leave some twigs and trees that are dead or dying in your yard so that bluebirds will come to visit. These birds like to live near old trees that have holes in them for nesting and sleeping. 

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Provide nesting materials

Pine needles and cotton scraps might attract spring bluebirds to your yard. Another approach is to buy natural nesting balls like these from Amazon and hang them from tree branches or hooks.

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